
ancient secrets


Housecall Massage

House calls are private and prolong the effects that a great massage can have on the body, mind, performance and health. On vacation a house call is a time saving rejuvenating experience. Spas take more time!

Going to a spa shortens the healing experience whether you are there for an hour or half day you still have to leave. Venturing into the harsh world of reality is assuredly accompanied by stress; driving in traffic, having to deal with the weather, navigating an unfamiliar city…the list goes on.

With a house call you set the pace and don’t have to go anywhere after the massage except to the fireplace, hot tub or to take a nap.  The massage therapist packs up and leaves you in a state of utter relaxation which if you choose can last for hours.

Think about it…there is nothing private about a spa.


Benefits of massage include increased circulation, decrease of neuro-muscular pain and discomfort, decrease of muscle fatigue, decrease in stress, injury prevention due to overuse, and enhanced athletic performance. 

Massage also increases body/mind awareness.